Vernissage: Tuesday 26th March, from 17:00 to 19:00
Due to the limited available entries, please confirm your attendance by e-mail to: hagstromerlibrary@ki.se
Hagströmerbiblioteket, Karolinska Institutet
Participating Artists: Sammy Baloji, Judit Fritz, Alma Heikkilä, Cecilia Jonsson, Jennie Leino, Suska Mackert, Alice Pallot, Bernhard Schobinger.
Historical books from the Hagströmer library’s collections from across disciplines – from alchemy, to botany, metallurgy, geology, and toxicology – are included in the exhibition.
Curation: Beatrice Brovia & Nicolas Cheng
The exhibition Toxic Transits investigates the relations between toxicity, body, and environment in a more-than-human world. Central to the exhibition is its exploration of toxicity as both an agent and concept that disrupts dichotomous worldviews, revealing how the human body and non-human natures are intimately co-constituted.
The artworks in the exhibition, set in dialogue with historical books and material from the Hagströmer Medico-Historical library’s collections, reveal deep-running interconnections between life and non-life; exposure and protection; tenderness and morbidity. The exhibition is an invitation to think with toxicity, to follow its transits and what they make visible in the proximities between bodies and environments.

Installation view of artwork by Sammy Baloji at the Hagströmer Medico-Historical Library.
Link Hagströmerbiblioteket
Contact person Anna Lantz , hagstromerlibrary@ki.se 070-555 2736
Planning your visit
The exhibition can be visited by appointment only, because of limits on the number of visitors that can be in the library at the same time. It is advised to book your visit on the following dates and times, when guided tours focusing on the exhibition are organized.
Visiting the exhibition is free of charge on these occasions:
27 March, 11:00-12:00
2 April, 17:00-19:00
3 April, 11:00-12:00
11 April, 17:00-19:00
17 April, 11:00-12:00
17th April 17:00-19:00
24 April, 11:00-12:00
Welcome to book your visit via e-mail to: hagstromerlibrary@ki.se